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At Hephaestus Database you will find bibliographic information from CIM collection. Publications edited by ABM are included - annals of seminars and congresses as well as didactic publications from courses provided by the Association. Also, reference works and special publications in this area can be found.

References are labeled as article or book. Selected articles delivery can be carried out by regular mail, if requested by the user. Concerning books, CIM does not provide photocopies of the whole text; however, book titles can be identified in holdings and will be available for copies referring only to parts of the text, or even consultation at CIM documentation center.


  • Simplified form
  • Complete form
  • Complete form - Search form by Index
  • Exhibition format
  • Result display
  • Requesting articles
  • Tips about search and the operators

        Simplified form TOP  

    Simplified form is made up of one text box to write the word or term to be searched. Terms can be connected, or not, through logical connectors "and" and "or" , as well as through definition of one of the following options: "all words" "any word" and "exact term"..

    All words imply in the use of the logical connector "and", among searching terms.

    Any word imply in the use of the logical connector "or", among searching terms.

    Exact term does not imply in the use of any logical connector. Only the real expression is required.

        Complete form TOP  

    Complete form provides more flexibility in search formulation. It presents three text boxes in which words may be written and linked through logical connectors, such as "and" "or", and "and not".

    Along with the text box in each data field there are a field selector and an Index access button. The field selector allows that search through the text box be restricted to any of the following options in each text box: Any field, Title, Author, Institution, Subject descriptor , Event location.


    Search Field
    Fusion Subject descriptor
    refining Title
    Solidification Any fields

        Complete form - Search form by Index TOP  

    Search form by Index allows retrieval by Index of the selected data through word root or initial. This form presents one text box in which it is possible for the user to indicate in which character the exhibition of dictionary entries shall start.

        Exhibition format TOP  

    In the forms (simplified or complete) there is a field named "Result display" where the user may select the exhibition format as well as the results per page.

        Result display TOP  

    Results pages present two types of response - Positive Result and Negative Result.

    Positive Result contains an answer to the required search. It also shows links See your selection; New search and Revise search.
      See your selection gathers information of interest selected by the user at the window on the right of the reference.
      New search returns to the blank form.
      Revise search returns to the form to include term(s) in order to obtain more accurate responses.
    Negative result it is the response deriving from error on searching process or from non-existence of required data in the Database. In both cases a link is shown to return to a new search.

        Requesting articles TOP  

    CIM provides document delivery of articles from an identified selection by window see your selection - since the form has been filled.

    Articles - R$15,00 per article, to be delivered anywhere in Brazil; US$13.00 per article, for foreign countries.
    Part of books - fees will be informed to user by e.mail, according to CIM search for each request. The corresponding value will be indicated as "pending" at CIM payment card.

        Tips about search and the operators TOP  

    Search must be done preferably in Portuguese when the option subject descriptor is chosen. (complete form). Titles of publications can be retrieved by original name. The system accepts words with or without diacritics.

    The symbol $ is a truncation resource for retrieval. Type this symbol after a word root to retrieve all the words which have this root. Example: chrom$ will retrieve terms like: chrome, chromizing, chromium-plating, etc.

    Description functions of boolean operators in order to relate one to another:

    Operator Subject Function
    (and) fusion and refining it retrieves articles about topics fusion and refining, necessarily related.
    (or) fusion or refining it retrieves articles about fusion and/or the topic refining , not necessarily both topics in the same article.
    (and not) fusion and not refining it retrieves articles about fusion, eliminating the articles about refining
